PR Trends 2011
I was asked recently by PRSA-NJ to share my thoughts on some key 2011 PR Trends. My answers were featured in its quarterly e-newsletter.
What do you see as this year’s top PR trends?

Acting Courageously: Leadership in the Storm
On ThoughtLeadersLLC I guest blogged about the need for leaders to be brave during difficult times: Acting Courageously: Leadership in the Storm, from THOUGHTLEADERS, LLC

Write This Way: Tips for becomming a better writer
Some PR professionals are fortunate enough to not only be great writers, but also to find the process easy and enjoyable. If you’re one of them, you can skip to another article. But if you’re like me, you need and use every available tool, tip and trick to make your writing effective and to make the process as painless as possible.
Here are some better writing reminders that I’ve used over the years and still use today. Some suggest an overall approach to writing; others are specific tips to help you avoid common errors.
To read this article, just click on the title (But please note, this article is only available to members of PRSA)

Seven Essential Tips To Enhance Your Media Relationships
Here are seven must-dos to enhance your relationship with the media. Hopefully you’re already employing them. If not, start today:

Improve Your Placement Success: Emphasize Quality Over Quantity
Even with the enormous impact of digital media, public relations professionals must know how to work effectively with traditional media outlets, which still wield tremendous influence.
If you’re guilty of any of these or other related infractions, it’s time to take an approach that emphasizes quality over quantity, and focuses on building true relationships with our media contacts. This article provides some tactical tips to do just that:

Preventing People Poaching
While staff poaching wasn’t a major issue in 2009 or 2010, I believe it will be again in 2011, as the PR industry continues to rebound.
According to Brian Pittman’s article on “Preventing People Poaching” from the Council of Public Relations Firms’ The Firm Voice, “poaching of key staff is a very real problem—one that not only threatens any given agency’s number one asset and talent base, but which also can create animosity between firms, and ultimately hurt the industry as a whole.”
To read “Preventing People Poaching, which features my “Seven Points for Staff Retention,” just scroll down to page 37/272, AKA 1.29.

A Dozen Tips To Power Your PR Writing
The following outlines the top tips I share with those who want to improve their writing. You’ve probably heard many of these; the key is dilligently applying them to all your writing.